The Fix is an urban morning – midday show hosted by comedian Sawyer Boy, tune in and feed your music and entertainment addiction. The Fix airs live exclusively on Star 106 Hits from 10:00AM-1:00 PM.
closeSwitching Lanes is an afternoon drive-time show hosted by Brad Hanna. Listen to the TOP 10 Hits as you wind down your workday, sing along, and enjoy the ride. Switching Lanes airs each weekday afternoon from 1:00 PM -4:00 PM
closeFree Ya Mind 4:00PM-6:00 PM.
closeR&B HIT LIST: R&B Hit List is an all music show hosted by Roscoe Dames. All the hits, all the time, that’s what you’ll hear on the R&B Hit List. All your favorite slow jams on your favorite station.