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The so-called Tinder Swindler’s new Hollywood agent got him an interview with the celebrity infotainment program, Inside Edition. The two-part interview runs Monday and Tuesday nights.
Simon Leviev will deny that the accusations made in the Netflix documentary, Tinder Swindler. He told Inside Edition in the taped interview, (quote) “I’m the biggest gentleman in the world. I was just a single guy that wanted to meet girls on Tinder. I am not that monster.”
Simon stole a total of $10 million from his Tinder dates. Three women spoke on camera for the documentary. Despite their embarrassment, they described in detail how Simon swindled them out of money until they went bankrupt.
His current girlfriend still trusts Simon and intends to stick with him. However, his plans include starring in a dating show. So, she may have second thoughts about his fidelity. (People)
Written by: Tony Williams